Tracking Commodity Production Volumes

Last updated: August 21, 2024

Gaining a Competitive Edge with Commodity Production Volumes

Benefits of Understanding Commodity Production Volumes

Market Insight and Seasonality
Understanding commodity production volumes offers deep insights into market dynamics and product seasonality. By analysing production data, users can gauge supply levels, predict shortages or surpluses, and make strategic decisions based on comprehensive market intelligence.

Supply Chain Optimisation
Access to production volumes enables businesses to optimise their supply chains. Knowing where and how much of a commodity is being produced helps in planning logistics, sourcing strategies, and ensuring a steady supply of raw materials.

Strategic Sourcing Decisions
With detailed production volume data, users can make informed sourcing decisions. This helps in identifying the most reliable suppliers and regions with stable production, reducing risks associated with supply disruptions.

Tracking commodity production volume: step-by-step

1. Use the product filter

In your production widget, use the filter, as shown in the screenshot below, to select the product of your choice.

In our example, we are looking at Palm Oil in Indonesia.

Find your product for the commodity production volumes

2. Other filters to analyze the data

You have two options to change the visualisation of the production data in the graph.

You can change the visualisation of the data in the graph by time period:

  • Monthly: the total amount of production per month
  • YTD: the total production of all the months of the selected year up to that month

You can also change the visualisation of the data by the following metrics:

  1. Volume: the total amount of production per month
  2. MOM %: the percentage change compared to the previous month
  3. YOY %: the percentage change compared to the previous year

See the screenshot below how you can change the way the data is presented. Here we have selected YTD, YOY:

Extra filter for commodity production volumes

3. Make use of the legend

The legend allows you to select or deselect specific years.

By clicking on for example 2020, you can remove this year from the chart.

On the screenshot, you can see how the legend is presented:


Use the Legend of the Commodity Production Volumes Widget

Use Cases for analyzing production data

Procurement Teams

Procurement teams can use production data to understand the availability and supply levels of commodities. By analysing production trends, they can identify potential shortages or surpluses, enabling them to make informed decisions on sourcing strategies, negotiate better terms with suppliers, and ensure a stable supply of necessary commodities.

Market Analysts

Market analysts can utilise production data to assess the overall market health and predict future market trends. By understanding production levels across different regions and seasonality, they can provide insights on market dynamics, forecast potential price changes, and advise on strategic investments and market entry decisions.

Sales Managers

Sales managers can leverage production data to align their sales strategies with market conditions. By analysing production volumes, they can identify opportunities in markets, and anticipate demand spikes in regions with lower production. This information helps in planning, setting realistic sales targets, and optimising inventory levels.

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