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Exciting news – Vesper has embarked on an expansive journey to cover all agri-commodity categories, and we’re thrilled to introduce ‘Nuts’. From pecans to almonds, hazelnuts to pistachio, and more, we’re bringing you pricing data from trusted industry partners and consolidating public sources into one view.

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Nuts we cover

Product overview:


Almonds are oval nuts with a slightly sweet taste and abundant health benefits. Almonds are often used in confectionery, dairy alternatives, and as a nutritious snack.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are large, nutrient-rich seeds from the South American Bertholletia excelsa tree. Known for their creamy texture and selenium content, these nuts are often consumed raw or blanched and are popular in mixed nuts and as a healthful snack.

Filbert (Hazelnuts)

Filberts, commonly known as hazelnuts, are sweet-flavored nuts that can be enjoyed raw, roasted, or ground into a paste. Renowned for their use in confectionery and chocolates, they are also a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy fats. Their distinctive flavor and crunchy texture make them a popular choice for baking and as a snack.


Macadamia are buttery, rich nuts with a luxurious taste and high monounsaturated fat content. Macadamias are often used in premium confectionery, baked goods, or as a snack.


Pecans are rich, buttery nuts with a distinct flavour and high nutritional content. Pecans are often utilised in confectionery, baking, and as a snack option. 


Pistachios are vibrant green kernels with a unique, slightly sweet taste and crunchy texture. Pistachios are commonly enjoyed as roasted snacks, in confectionery, or as flavourful accents in culinary dishes.


Walnuts are characterised by their rough, brain-like appearance. With a deep, earthy flavour walnuts are widely used in baked goods, salads, and as a heart-healthy snack.

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