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Live now: comprehensive pricing data for Poultry

Exciting news – Vesper has embarked on an expansive journey to cover all agri-commodity categories, and we’re thrilled to introduce ‘Poultry’. From chicken to quail, turkey to duck, and more, we’re bringing you pricing data from trusted industry partners and consolidating public sources into one view.

Sign up for a free trial, and be among the first to explore these essential insights. Plus, explore our 16 agri-commodity categories!

Poultry products we cover

Discover a comprehensive range of global poultry prices. Explore our poultry products below.

Product overview:


Chicken is one of the most widely consumed meats, known for its versatility, affordability, and lean protein content. Chicken meat is a staple in a wide range of cuisines. We cover a range of chicken products including broiler, ddwt, lvwt, frozen, and more.


Turkey meat is valued for its lean, protein-rich profile. Known for its versatile flavour, turkey is used in a variety of culinary applications from roasts to sandwiches.


Eggs are a versatile and nutrient-rich food product, sourced primarily from laying hens in the poultry industry. Rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, they are consumed in various forms including boiled, fried, and as key ingredients in cooking and baking. Eggs are graded based on size, quality, and shell integrity.

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