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Exciting news – Vesper has embarked on an expansive journey to cover all agri-commodity categories, and we’re thrilled to introduce ‘Seeds’. We’re bringing you pricing data from trusted industry partners and consolidating public sources into one view.

Sign up for a free trial, and be among the first to explore these essential insights. Plus, explore our 16 agri-commodity categories!

Seeds we cover

Product overview:


Cashews are kidney-shaped seeds harvested from the cashew tree, a tropical plant native to Brazil. They are appreciated for their buttery texture and sweet flavor, making them a favorite in snacks, desserts, and savory dishes. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial fats, cashews are a nutritious addition to any diet.

Groundnuts / Peanuts

Groundnuts, also known as peanuts, are a versatile legume with a rich, buttery flavor. Consumed globally as roasted snacks, in peanut butter, or in cooking and baking, they are a key source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. They serve as a staple ingredient in various cuisines and are integral to many traditional dishes around the world.

Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds are tiny, slate-blue seeds of the poppy plant known for their nutty, slightly sweet flavor. They are used to add crunch and a burst of flavour in baked goods, salads, and noodles. Aside from culinary uses, they also contribute to health benefits due to their content of minerals, especially calcium and magnesium.

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