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Sugar Commodities

Tap into the sweetness of the global sugar market with Vesper. Refine your strategies and crystallize success with us.
50+ Sugar price series
Access global product prices, including proprietary data, public quotations, and partner prices.
Covering a broad spectrum of sugar commodities, from white sugar to glucose and ethanol.
Global data sourced from key producing regions and countries.


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Discover Vesper’s extensive coverage, tailored to maximize your market opportunities with detailed, data-driven insights.

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“Vesper’s real-time data will further democratize the sugar industry, help buyers better understand the market and mitigate risks.”

PepsiCo Logo

Richard Polánek

Global Procurement Director


Centralize your sugar data needs

Get all your essential sugar market insights from one single platform

Independent Sugar Pricing Benchmark

Strengthen your negotiations and trade at fair spot and forward market prices with our Vesper Price Index.

Track Historical Data

Evaluate Supply and Demand

Assess Import and Export

Oversee Production Trends

Uncover the Latest Market Analysis

Analyze AI Forecasts

Access accurate predictions for potential market shifts in prices, production, and ending stocks.

Real-time Price Calculations

Simplify your view of commodity futures

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Examples of

Sugar Industries We Serve

Sweet Success: Mastering the Confectionery Market with Data-Driven Insights

Stay competitive in the confectionery market with comprehensive data and insights that help you optimize ingredient procurement, anticipate market trends, and enhance profitability.

Crafting Excellence: Unlocking Profitability in the Chocolate Market

Stay ahead in the competitive chocolate market with comprehensive market data and maximize profitability with pricing transparency for key ingredients.

Spice Up Your Strategy: Navigating the Sauces and Condiments Market with Precision

Optimize your sauces and condiments production with in-depth market insights and data-driven strategies to manage ingredient costs, ensure supply chain stability, and capitalize on market opportunities.

Sauces & Condiments

Examples of

The People We Serve

Procurement Manager

Procurement Managers

Spend more time nurturing your supplier relationships by leveraging data to strengthen your negotiations.

Risk Managers

Enhance your risk management strategies with a unified platform that integrates comprehensive proprietary and external data sources, offering a holistic view of market dynamics.
Risk Manager
Market Analyst

Market Analysts

Streamline your data gathering, enhance data-driven decisions, and deliver actionable insights efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Or otherwise…

What are sugar commodities?

Sugar commodities include various types of sugars such as white sugar, raw sugar (beet, cane, J-SPEC), crystal sugar, as well as related products like glucose, fructose, molasses, ethanol, and isoglucose, used in food production, beverages, and biofuels.

We cover a comprehensive range of data types, including market prices, supply and demand, production, import/export, weather, crop and more. Additionally, we provide market analyses and news on the sugar market.

Our coverage extends globally, with detailed reports and data from key regions including Brazil, Europe, Asia and more.

Vesper can benefit many roles across an entire organization including procurement managers, market analysts, risk managers, finance analysts and sales managers. Our platform helps stakeholders make informed decisions based on reliable market data.
Vesper can benefit FMCG companies with a large spend in sugar commodities such as confectionary, chocolates, sauces and condiments, and more.

Yes, we offer a free trial and personalized demos to help you understand how Vesper can benefit your business.

We offer flexible pricing plans tailored to different business needs and scales. Please contact our sales team for a detailed quote.

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