Oils and Fats Production Data

Last updated: August 21, 2024

In the oils and fats market, seed production data is the primary factor influencing the prices of vegetable oils, making it essential for buyers, sellers, and traders to understand. This article examines the key aspects of oils and fats production data, covering important metrics, data collection methods, and the critical role that production data plays in determining market prices. It also explores how this data can be utilized for forecasting and production planning.

What Are the Primary Metrics in Oils and Fats Production Data?

Production data in the oils and fats industry includes several key metrics that offer a detailed view of the sector’s output:

  • Total Production Volume: Measured in metric tons, this metric indicates the total quantity of seeds, oils, or fats produced within a specific period.
  • Yield per Hectare: This measures the efficiency of production by calculating the amount of seeds, oils, or fats produced per hectare of cultivated land.
  • Crushing and Refining Rates: These metrics assess the efficiency of processing raw materials into usable oils and fats, reflecting the effectiveness of production processes.
  • Processing Capacity Utilization: This measures how much of the available processing capacity is being used, providing insight into the potential for increasing or decreasing production.

These metrics are crucial for understanding the production capabilities, efficiencies, and market readiness of the oils and fats industry.

How Is Oils and Fats Production Data Collected and Verified?

Data collection in the oils and fats industry involves a combination of government reports, industry surveys, and advanced technologies like satellite imagery. Key methods include:

  • Government and Industry Surveys: National agricultural departments and industry associations play a crucial role in collecting production data. These organisations regularly gather data from producers, processors, and exporters through mandatory and standardised surveys, ensuring consistency and reliability in the reported statistics.
  • Satellite and Aerial Imaging: Technologies such as satellite imagery are increasingly used to monitor crop growth, estimate yields, and assess the health of oil-producing plantations, including palm and soybean crops. This method provides an independent data source that can be used to cross-verify self-reported data from producers, enhancing accuracy.
  • Field Assessments and Audits: On-the-ground inspections and audits, conducted by government agencies or third-party organisations, are essential for verifying reported data. These assessments ensure that the data is accurate and that production practices meet regulatory standards.

Verification Processes

Verification of oils and fats production data involves cross-referencing multiple data sources, adjusting for known biases, and employing statistical models to estimate any unreported or underreported production. By combining these methods, data accuracy and reliability are significantly enhanced, providing a clearer picture of the industry’s production capabilities.

TIP: The USDA, MPOB, EC, CONAB, ISTAT, and MAPA are key governmental bodies and associations that provide essential production data on major vegetable oils. Vesper aggregates all this data into a single, user-friendly platform, allowing you to easily view production data from various sources in one convenient overview.

How Does Oils and Fats Production Data Impact Market Prices?

Oils and fats production data has a direct and significant impact on market prices in the oils and fats industry. When production volumes are high, and inventories are plentiful, prices tend to decrease due to the surplus in supply. Conversely, when production is low or disrupted by factors like weather conditions, political instability, or logistical challenges, prices can spike due to the scarcity of supply.

For instance, in 2021 and 2022, the global vegetable oil market, particularly palm oil, saw significant price increases. Palm oil, a widely used vegetable oil found in many products, was hit by adverse weather, labour shortages, and supply chain disruptions.

Severe weather conditions in 2021, including excessive rainfall and flooding, reduced palm oil yields in key producing countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the situation with severe labour shortages in Malaysia, preventing the influx of foreign workers crucial for harvesting. Additionally, global supply chain disruptions made transporting palm oil more difficult and costly.

These factors led to constrained supply in the global market while demand, especially from countries like India and China, remained strong. This supply-demand mismatch caused palm oil prices to surge to their highest levels in over a decade. For example, crude palm oil prices on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives exchange rose from around 700 EUR/mt in mid-2021 to over 1,700 EUR/mt by March 2022, see figure below.

oils fats production data - production data impacts market prices

Businesses that had access to early production data were able to hedge against this price increase by securing supplies in advance, demonstrating the importance of timely and accurate production data in market price strategies.

What Are the Key Factors Influencing Production Volumes in the Oils and Fats Industry?

Several factors influence production volumes in the oils and fats industry, ranging from environmental conditions to technological advancements:

  • Weather and Climate: Adverse weather conditions such as droughts, floods, and unseasonal temperatures can severely impact crop yields and, consequently, production volumes.
  • Agricultural Practices: The adoption of sustainable farming practices, crop rotation, and the use of high-yielding seed varieties can significantly enhance production volumes.
  • Technological Advancements: Innovations in processing technologies and machinery can improve the efficiency and output of oil extraction and refining processes.
  • Economic Policies and Trade Regulations: Tariffs, subsidies, and trade agreements can either promote or restrict production and export activities, influencing overall production volumes.

How Can Historical Oils and Fats Production Data Be Used to Forecast Future Trends?

Historical production data plays a crucial role in predicting future trends in the oils and fats market. By examining past production volumes, yield patterns, and the influence of external factors, businesses and analysts can make well-informed forecasts about future production levels and market dynamics.

In this study, researchers developed a Fresh Fruit Bunch Index (FFBI) model using monthly yield data from oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB). This model was directly correlated with the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) to assess the impact of past El Niño events on Malaysia’s oil palm production, which is particularly sensitive to heat and drought. El Niño events have historically led to reduced oil palm yields, causing fluctuations in crude palm oil prices due to global supply shortages.

The FFBI model revealed an oil palm under yield concern of the Malaysian oil palm industry in the thirty-month forecasted period from July 2021 to December 2023.

By leveraging such models, businesses can anticipate production shortfalls and take proactive measures to mitigate supply chain disruptions. This approach allows them to secure contracts at favourable prices before any anticipated decline in production occurs.

How Can Businesses Optimize Production Planning Using Production Data?

In the oils and fats industry, leveraging production data is key to efficient production planning. By using both historical and real-time data, businesses can enhance forecasting, streamline operations, and improve resource management.

  • Historical Data for Forecasting: Historical production data helps forecast future trends by analyzing past yields and external factors like weather. For example, understanding the impact of El Niño on palm oil yields allows companies to anticipate production shortfalls and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Real-Time Data for Dynamic Adjustments: Real-time data enables businesses to make immediate adjustments in production, improving efficiency and reducing downtime. For instance, monitoring real-time metrics in a soybean processing plant can optimize operations and minimize excess inventory.
  • Resource Allocation and Inventory Management: Data-driven production planning ensures efficient use of resources and better inventory management. Integrating real-time data with inventory systems aligns production with demand, reducing the risk of overproduction or stockouts.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Using production data for predictive maintenance helps prevent unexpected equipment failures, reducing downtime and maintaining efficiency. This proactive approach extends equipment life and improves production reliability.


Use Case

In 2024, a large soybean processing plant implemented a data-driven approach to production planning. By integrating real-time production data with market demand forecasts, the company was able to optimize its crushing operations, reducing downtime and minimizing excess inventory. This approach led to a 15% increase in operational efficiency and a significant reduction in storage costs, demonstrating the tangible benefits of using production data for strategic planning.

Interested in how our production data can enhance your market strategies? Start a free trial or request a personalized demo to access comprehensive production insights and improve your forecasting and planning.

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