Kristian Kabel is Head of Sales at Lactoprot Germany. Lactoprot’s main focus is on processing milk and whey, and they have become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of caseinates. Thanks to their historical emphasis on quality and “Made in Germany” seal, Lactoprot Germany now successfully operates around the globe.

Could you tell us more about your background in the dairy industry and what led you to work at Lacroprot?

It seems like it was meant to be as I grew up where the Lactoprot dairy plant is located. Besides, dairy has always been a part of my life as my parents were farmers. It’s not surprising that I ended up studying Agricultural Economics. I started working at Lactoprot straight out of university and quickly became a Sales Manager before being promoted to Head of Sales. I am now responsible for most of the European and South American markets and focus on numerous dairy products, including SMP, lactose, and WPC.

“Of course, production data is available on Vesper, so I naturally started using the platform the day it launched. ”

How did you first hear about Vesper?

Four years ago, Alexander Sterk, Founder and CEO of Vesper, came to our office and explained what the company had to offer. To put it simply, I was hooked from the beginning. I worked a lot with production data during my Master’s thesis and remembered thinking that it should be easier to access this data. Of course, production data is available on Vesper, so I naturally started using the platform the day it launched. I haven’t stopped since.

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How does Vesper help you in your work, and what feature do you use the most?

Communicating with my colleagues is crucial as we must ensure we’re always on the same page. Vesper helps significantly in that regard. I read the news section daily to keep up with what’s happening in the market and share the relevant information with my colleagues. It’s a time-saving feature as I no longer need to search for the information myself.

Some of my customers also use data from Vesper. As Head of Sales, I first thought it’d be a problem, but it’s actually quite handy. I can easily explain prices to customers; they know what I’m talking about, and we’re sure to be on the same page. The dairy market is very gut-driven, and Vesper allows me to back my instincts with facts.

What is your favourite feature besides the news section?

I have a thorough use of Vesper. I always look at the dashboard for a quick overview. It only takes me a few minutes, which I appreciate. Every week, I look at the Vesper Price Index (VPI), and I can observe if we’re still aligned with the market or if we have to change anything in our pricing strategy. The Outlook section also helps me a lot, it’s easy to digest. I don’t have to remember figures anymore as the price drivers are easily accessible and help me get a quick overview of the market, on a daily or weekly basis. Last but not least, I read every Weekly Highlights and share them with my team. It’s the best way to ensure we’re up-to-date with the market.

“With Vesper, since it’s easier to collect data, it’s also quicker to make decisions. ”

Has Vesper changed the way you make decisions?

As I said, decisions are always based on data and gut feeling. With Vesper, since it’s easier to collect data, it’s also quicker to make decisions. For long-term decisions, even on Vesper, you have to invest and dig deeper into the data and the details. Even when the data is all in one place, you still need to do some work and research. Even if it’s there on Vesper, you have to search for more detailed information on Vesper and not just look at the picture. You have to see the figures, and that’s some work anyways.

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Connecting the dairy industry’s players is at Vesper’s core. Could you tell us about your experience with the Vesper Community?

I see a lot of potential in the Vesper Community. I sometimes collaborate with Alexander Sterk to swap connections and get us both in contact with the right people. Being in touch with each other is so important for commodity players. Realistically, Vesper cannot make all the decisions for us, but it can be a great part of our decision-making process if we use it wisely. Some people prefer graphs, like the ones in the Outlook section, while others prefer reading in-depth market coverage, like the Weekly Highlights. Vesper is for everyone.