Washington is ready to deepen engagement with WTO members on the issue of dispute settlement reform, it emerged yesterday. At the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) in Geneva, chaired by Ambassador Athaliah Lesiba Molokomme (Botswana), the newly-appointed US Ambassador to the WTO María Pagán said the US was keen to find a solution that reflected the needs of all members. Speaking on behalf of 123 members, Mexico tabled (for the 53rd time) a proposal to start the selection process for filling vacancies on the Appellate Body. The current impasse was having a serious impact on the overall WTO dispute settlement system against the best interest of members, Mexico told the chamber. Pagán said the Biden administration does not support the proposed decision to start the appointment procedure for Appellate Body members. But the former Deputy General Counsel in the USTR office was keen to underline that the US supports broader WTO dispute settlement reform. [AGRAFACTS]