Global Dairy Market Outlook 2024

Global Dairy Market Outlook '24

As we enter 2024, global dairy markets show a more nuanced picture. In the last months of 2023, we witnessed a weakening of supply, bringing supply and demand into closer alignment, albeit at a reduced level.

In 2024, specific dairy products like WPC, butter, and certain cheeses face supply shortfalls, leading to significant disparities in valuation.

What can we expect for the rest of 2024? In this Outlook report, Market Analyst, Jasper Endlich, identifies key factors driving the market towards a bullish or bearish direction. Get your copy below.

What to expect from the report

Besides reporting on past trends, this guide offers you an outlook into potential future price fluctuations, supply and demand trends, including the biggest fundamental supply side indicator of the market: the global milk production.

Download the analysis to gain insights into the key elements driving the market in 2024, such as:

  • Global economic trends
  • Stock levels
  • Dairy milk production rates
  • Farm-gate milk prices
  • Milk valorizations

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