In the latest episode of the Strong Source Commodity Podcast, hosts Martijn and Alexander had the pleasure of speaking with Jan Dieleman, the President of Cargill Ocean Transportation. With over 25 years of experience, Jan provided deep insights into the world of freight trading, leadership, and the future of the shipping industry.

A Journey Through Freight and Commodities

Jan’s journey through Cargill began in the late ’90s, where he quickly made his mark on the trading floor. Reflecting on his career, Jan shared, “I’ve had a 25-year career in Cargill without really having traded grains.” This statement alone highlights the diversity and complexity of the roles he has undertaken, from trading non-grain feed ingredients to becoming a leader in ocean transportation.

What stood out in the discussion was how Jan approaches freight not just as a logistical necessity but as a commodity in itself. “You could argue that freight is also a commodity in itself, and at least we approach it as a commodity in itself,” Jan explained. This mindset has driven Cargill’s innovative approach to optimizing their fleet of 700 ships and navigating the volatile waters of global trade.

Leadership in a Changing Industry

As the conversation shifted to leadership, Jan’s philosophy became evident. When asked about the qualities that helped him ascend to his current position, Jan emphasized authenticity and consistency. “You have to be true to yourself… If you’re not yourself, I think you’re going to get caught out if you’re trying to be someone else than you are,” he advised.

This authenticity extends to his leadership style. Jan’s ability to balance the high demands of the industry while maintaining an approachable demeanor has been key to his success. He also highlighted the importance of evolving as a leader: “The better traders that I’ve seen are the ones that actually are able to evolve.”

The Future of Freight and Sustainability

The podcast delved into the future of the shipping industry, particularly the challenges and opportunities presented by decarbonization. Jan discussed Cargill’s commitment to sustainability, including their pioneering efforts in biofuels and wind-assisted ships. He noted, “We took the lead and then we were able to scale it… When the stars align, this is a really, really interesting business.”

Jan is also a strong advocate for industry-wide collaboration to address these challenges, pointing out the necessity of regulatory support: “If the regulator doesn’t follow, this becomes an uninvestable industry.”

Lessons from the Trading Floor

For those aspiring to enter the commodity trading industry, Jan offered valuable advice: “Focus on the things you can control… You need to trust people, you need to give people the space, but sometimes you need to really dive in deep because in the end of the day, you’re responsible.” This principle of “trust but verify” was a recurring theme in his leadership approach.

The discussion also touched on the importance of maintaining balance and perspective in a high-stakes industry. Jan’s experience during the polar vortex event, where his team faced significant losses, reinforced his belief in resilience and adaptability. “You just need to be honest, reflect, learn, and also just keep going.”

A Blueprint for Aspiring Commodity Traders: Lessons in Leadership and Resilience

Jan Dieleman’s insights during the podcast were not just a window into the world of freight trading but also a masterclass in leadership and strategic thinking. As the industry faces new challenges, his experience and forward-thinking approach will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of ocean transportation.

For those considering a career in commodities, Jan’s journey serves as a reminder that curiosity, adaptability, and authenticity are key to navigating the complexities of the industry.

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What is the Strong Source Podcast?

Our mission with the Strong Source podcast is to educate and inform, by creating a community where experts and guests from the entire commodity industry can share their unique perspectives. Martijn Bron, ex-cacao trader, and Alexander Sterk, ex-dairy trader and founder of Vesper, have a deep-passion for this industry, which inspired